Our History
For founders Bob & Susan Bateman the aviation industry is not just our job, it’s our family tradition.
It all started in 1927 when 11 year old John Bateman, Bob’s father, followed the news of an event the world thought was impossible - Charles Lindbergh’s flight to Paris in The Spirit of St. Louis. Young John built a model of that airplane and was forever hooked on the idea of man and flight. He grew up to become an engineer at companies such as Ford Aircraft Engines, Curtiss-Wright, Fairchild Republic, Hamilton Standard and retired as vice president of Avco Lycoming.

In 1938 Susan’s father, Peter Pawchyk, graduated from Pine Manual School in Ansonia as a machinist. His father was a church friend of Igor Sikorsky and recommended him for a job. Speaking fluent Russian he worked on the team with Mr. Sikorsky to produce the first practical helicopter at Vought-Sikorsky in 1939.
Later in life he would tell his grandchildren about the morning Igor Sikorsky came down to the shop with a farm tractor he had purchased. Mr. Sikorsky pointed out the Power Take Off feature on the transmission and said, “Let’s figure out how to put one of these on the helicopter!” The gearbox for the tail-rotor driveshaft followed. Peter soon became lead-man in the experimental machine shop and retired from Sikorsky Aircraft 37 years later enjoying a very rewarding career.
By 1942 the need for women workers prompted sisters Kay and Ann, to seek jobs at the rapidly expanding airplane factory called Vought-Sikorsky. From the family farm in Orange, delivering milk on their way to work each morning, Kay spent her days in the expediting department and Ann in the inspection department. Throughout World War II the sisters worked to build thousands of the mighty F4U Corsair fighter airplanes. Along the way Kay married Peter Pawchyk. In 1960 Susan’s mother rejoined Sikorsky Aircraft and retired after 32 years. Throughout their lives the sisters continued to be proud of the contribution they made to the aircraft industry.
As one might by now imagine, at family gatherings - engineering, aviation and industry were THE topics for discussion!
Bob started at Avco Lycoming in 1969 and gained experience on helicopter powerplants before studying engineering at the University of New Haven. He went on to train air force personnel on the techniques of turbine engine overhaul in Vietnam and then joined Sikorsky Aircraft to learn the airframe side of rotorcraft. He became an authority in metallurgical processing and testing while working as a quality auditor with Sikorsky’s supplier base. Today, as Technical Director, he shares over 40 years of processing and testing knowledge and experience with us.
Susan graduated from Southern Connecticut State University with a strong business background and significant exposure to industry. She is president of TYGOR Laboratories, director of our DOT/FAA Anti Drug & Alcohol program, accountable manager for Flight Safety parts, FAA licensed, and holds professional certifications as a Level II, MT/PT.
With these backgrounds TYGOR Laboratories was founded in 1986. Our primary focus was to serve the non-destructive testing requirements of area manufacturers by working closely with our customers and their unique needs. Our principle goal was to provide faster service and better value through our experience.
By staying current with industry training, and using the best equipment available with well educated personnel, we are proud to say that these original goals are still at the forefront of everything we do.
Now in our 25th year, TYGOR has another generation of family management.
In 2003 Ty Bateman joined the firm after graduating with an Associate of Applied Science degree in Non-Destructive Testing Technology in Nebraska. After graduation he worked as an inspector for Herzog Corporation throughout the United States and Canada. Today, as Lab Manager he holds professional certifications as a Level III and is FAA licensed.
Gregg Bateman joined the firm in 2009 as Business Manager following seven years with UTC’s Hamilton Sundstrand. He is an honors graduate of the Wentworth Institute of Technology in Boston, with a degree in Mechanical Engineering, and holds professional certifications as a Level II.
Here at TYGOR Labs we’re not just proud of what we do, we’re proud to be carrying on a family tradition for the future of aviation.